Our VIDEOGUIDALIS took the prize of the public as the most voted work in the 2016/2017 edition of the national award “ACCESSIBLE TOURISMS – Journalists, Communicators and Advertisers overcome barriers”. #PTA17

persone che consegnano il premio turismi accessibili 2017

The Award is organised by the Associazione Diritti Diretti (www.dirittidiretti.it ) Non-Profit Organisation, and is strongly supported by Simona Petaccia, Journalist and President of the association. More than 30 works were entered for the award, voted by 1347 people. Interest in the award, in its second edition, increased two-fold and involved a growing number of participants and voters.

The ‘ACCESSIBLE TOURISM – Journalists, Communicators and Advertisers overcome Barriers’ award is sponsored by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and encompasses in the works of the participants and in the stimuli which come from these, those good practices that aim to make cultural and tourist venues “accessible”.

Below you can read the specific article on the VIDEO GUIDA LISdiversi dispositivi pc tablet smartphone con la videoguidalis

We perceived LIS as a language and from this assumption began the experimentation and development of the platform << VideoguidaLIS.it >>:

not just simple Italian sign language translation videos, but a platform that includes:

– mobile devices available at the bookshops;

– Italian sign language support for the translated languages within the exhibition itinerary, usable through multimedia stations common to all visitors;

– a web-app containing all the information for a complete and easy-to-use guided tour.

lis-tablet lis-interfaccia

The purpose of the award is to give visibility to good practices used by public and private entities operating in the Tourism and Culture sector in Italy.

More information on the VIDEOGUIDALIS can be found here www.videoguidalis.it

The VIDEOGUIDALIS can be viewed at the address http://www.videoguidalis.it/marrc/




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